Teen Advisory Committee (TAC)

TAC PartyLast night I took part in my first ever Teen Advisory Committee (also known as TAC) meeting. There are 13 teens (most of whom have been patients at Children’s Hospital Boston at some point during their childhood) that volunteer their time once a month to advocate for teen patients. TAC is coordinated by Christine Rich, RN, MSN, and is held at the Center for Families, which is located in the main building at Children’s Hospital. During our monthly meetings we plan projects that we hope to accomplish to make the hospital a better place for teens. We also plan parties for teen inpatients for the entire year.

Last night we met with our D.J.’s to come up with some awesome themes that everyone will enjoy. The theme for our first party is “Cosmic Bowling”. I mean real cosmic bowling including black lights and the Wii! Serving on the Teen Advisory Committee is an eye opening experience where you get to meet and interact with different kinds of people and do some good for teen patients at the hospital. I am very excited to be a part of this committee and I can’t wait for our first party!
