A PCOS-Friendly Holiday Season

PCOS BlogThe holiday season is here! Cookie swaps and holiday parties are lots of fun, but they can make things challenging for people who are trying to eat well and stay healthy. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle isn’t an “all or nothing” kind of thing. You don’t need to avoid ALL holiday treats completely, but you shouldn’t plan on sampling every holiday dessert either. 

Most holiday treats such as cookies, chocolate, candies, sweet breads, and starchy sides aren’t particularly PCOS-friendly because they are high in sugar or refined grains and can raise insulin levels. It is okay to have your favorite treats occasionally, though—just try to have small portions or “just a taste”. Moderation is the key. A cookie or two with a glass of milk is much more PCOS-friendly than a heaping plate of dessert!

Try to maintain a healthy and consistent eating pattern this time of year. Eat balanced meals and snacks consistently throughout the day and try to include a source of protein and a high fiber food at all meals and snacks. You can find protein foods (such as  turkey, ham, nuts, and cheese) and high fiber foods (such as fruits, veggies, and whole grain crackers) at most holiday events. Avoid skipping meals or getting too hungry because it’s hard to make good food choices when you are starved.

Fitting in regular physical activity is another great way to stay healthy this holiday season. Any kind of activity counts—just find things to do that keep your body moving because too much sitting around isn’t healthy. Try to find fun ways to stay fit, such as walking around the mall with your friends or going ice skating.

Have a happy and healthy holiday season… and save some treats for me!

-Nutritionist Kendrin