Lessons Learned

As I transition from high school to college, I find that more and more young students look up to me for advice on how to fulfill their four years of high school. Being a mentor in a youth group for kids ages 12-16, a peer leader at a hospital for children and teens, and an older sister, I have many people counting on my word to get them through the ups and downs of high school. So here are six pieces of advice I have for anyone in or entering high school.

Focus on one thing at a time:

This is something I am still learning how to do. When you are overwhelmed and it feels like you have so many things to do and not enough time, try to prioritize what needs to get done first, then concentrate on one thing at a time.

Plan ahead:

Try not to wait until the last minute to tackle your assignments, as this will add more pressure on you. Set up small goals so that you can feel that you are accomplishing something and it will decrease the stress of having too many things to do.

Join extracurricular school clubs:

Not only do extracurricular activities and clubs look good on both your resume and college application, they also enhance your high school experience. It is a great way to make new friends, and it’s fun! Find something you are interested in and get involved. These are the things you will remember most when you leave high school.

Get to know your teachers:

It’s always a good idea to make connections wherever you are. Teachers are usually willing to write recommendation letters whether it is for college or for a job. They are there to help you, so take full advantage of that!

Be Yourself:

Never give up your personality or morals just to fit in. It’s okay to not know everyone or be the most popular, none of that will matter anyways once you graduate. Just be you and find people who enjoy similar activities. Make relationships that are genuine.


Remember to BREATHE! That might seem like a funny thing to say, but you would be surprised at how much it helps to just stop what you are doing for a second to take a deep breath.

It may seem like high school will never be over when you are in it, but trust me, it will come to an end sooner than you think. My advice is this: high school will be over before you know it so enjoy it and make the most of your time there.

– Ayatt