Category Archives: Community Outreach


Farewell from Hieu

Dear Blog, My experience here at Children’s Hospital Boston has been great. I love the people here and everything about the job – from the health tables to the TAC meetings. I’ve worked here for the entire school year and it’s been fun. We’ve all…


Tables, Tables, Tables!

Hello Blog, One of the things I do here at the hospital is hold informational tables on the different health topics each month. They can be about almost anything as long as it relates to medical or health issues. For example, a few tables that I’ve…


Spreading Self-Esteem All Over Beantown

The requests for presentations have been rolling in, the girls and I have been so busy! Self-Esteem and the Media is probably our most popular presentation, and we have been spreading the message of positive self-esteem all throughout Boston. On Friday, March 13th, we had…

Health Fair

Our First Presentation & Health Fair

This was a very busy week for us because we had both a presentation and a health fair to prepare for. Our first presentation was on February 18th, and it was nothing like what I had imagined. I am not a shy person but the…

Youth Advisors 2009

Ready, Set, GO!

Our two new youth advisors Erica and Tynaya have been preparing these last couple of weeks for their first presentation. On Wednesday they are giving their first presentation on Safety on the Internet. To get the girls prepared for the presentation we did trainings on…

Comfortable In the Skin You’re In

The day started out really badly. First I was late for work and stuck in traffic on a crowded bus with no where to sit. It was early in the morning and I was so tired. When I finally made it to work I was…