Category Archives: Health Issues

Falling Asleep

Sleep Deprivation

I remember how a little over a year ago (when I was in high school) I had to wake up at 5:30 am to get ready and get to school on time. I also remember going to sleep around 1 or 2 o’clock in the…

Lady Gaga

Googly-Eyed for Gaga

Hey it’s Emily! I’m sure many of you have already heard about the controversy surrounding Lady Gaga’s doll-eyed look in her music video Bad Romance. Her eye popping look was originally believed to be the result of risky circle lenses that are illegal in the…


Chillin’ Out at the Beach, Part 1

With summer’s sweet arrival comes a new, vast array of entertainment options. When all your schoolwork comes to a glorious halt, one ultimate relaxation destination will trump all the others: the beach. Beautifully sunny, sandy, and soothing, there’s no better summer spot whether you have…

Girls Talking

Talking about Relationships

When you’re in a relationship, it’s normal to have arguments and get mad at each other, but how do you know when things are out of hand? I’m not talking about abusive relationships. I’m talking about everyday communication issues between couples. When teens face problems…