Category Archives: Newsletter Articles

Abusive Relationship

Abusive Relationships

When people think about abuse in relationships, they often assume the abuse is physical. Although physical abuse is a form of abuse, it’s not the only type. There are other kinds of abuse as well: emotional/verbal, financial, and sexual abuse. Emotional abuse is when someone…


Becoming Fit

It’s hard to think and plan for the future; I know all too well that I can hardly plan for tomorrow! However, when it comes to your physical health, the sooner you start exercising (and eating healthy), the better you’ll feel now, and the healthier…


How to Deal with a Breakup

Relationships between couples are complex because they involve two people, and two sets of feelings, interests, beliefs, family values, and ideals. Couples don’t always share the same interests or the same ideals, even if they do share the same feelings. As relationships progress, differences may…


Unlocking the Secret Code to Success

My fellow peers, we’ve made it! Graduations never really felt like a big thing until this moment. We’ve completed high school and now we are about to take the next big step. It’s the beginning of responsibility, freedom, choices, and bliss. As a graduating class…

Fast Food

Obesity and Teens

Obesity has received a lot of media attention recently. According to the CDC, a total of 12.5 million people between the ages of 2 and 19 are obese or overweight. Obesity is a major health concern because it increases your risk of getting conditions such…


Think Before You Drink

Alcohol can influence a teen’s decision to have sex. Family and personal values play key roles, but unfortunately, so does underage drinking. Approximately 12.5 million teens drink each year, and according to the Federal Trade Commission, teens who drink are twice as likely to engage…


Could You Be Depressed?

Some people confuse sadness with depression. Feeling sad from time to time is normal and doesn’t necessarily mean you’re depressed. It’s natural to feel sad after a breakup, or when someone close to you dies. It’s also perfectly normal to feel down in the dumps…

Thinking about Resolutions

Realistic Resolutions

2012 is fast approaching. Historically, New Year’s Day is when people make resolutions and set goals for themselves for the coming year. It’s also a time when we reflect on our accomplishments from the previous year. It can be rewarding if we’ve achieved our goals,…

Making the Holiday Season Memorable

The holiday season means a variety of things for different people, such as a break from school, time with family and friends, traveling, etc. I’m sure that you’ll want to make your holidays an experience that you will never forget, so here are some ideas…


Quiz Your Brain: Colds and Flu

Colds and flu are nothing to sneeze at. Every year, more than 200,000 people in the United States go to the hospital for flu-related problems. Colds are even more common, with Americans having 1 billion colds each year. Knowing the basics about preventing colds and…