
MotivationI have many people in my life that motivate and support me. I’d be ungrateful if I said I didn’t. However, I find that I’m my biggest inspiration. The desire to accomplish my goals… the need to prove to myself that I can do it… and the longing to see the smiles on my family’s faces are what drives me.

I must say that so far, I’ve had a great semester. Yes, I feel like I have great time management skills, I work hard; I go to class and do my homework. However, I feel like I’m mostly motivated because I have a clear cut goal that I’m chasing after. I want to get into a very competitive program at Boston University and I need to do well. I hold high expectations for myself, and because I want to get into that program I’ve been working really hard. My education is my most cherished treasure because nobody can take it away from me.

Most of my drive comes from within, because in the long run, my actions will affect me in a significant way. I can’t switch places with anyone else and live their life, so I have to do things for myself. Remember, you can’t switch places with anyone. Choose how you want to live your life, think about the things you want to accomplish, and follow your dreams.
