Self-Esteem & the Media Presentation
On Tuesday, February 24th, the Blue Hills Boys and Girls Club came to the Center for a presentation on self-esteem and the media. Before they arrived we spent a lot of time preparing ourselves. They got here at about 5:30 and as soon as they came in, we felt comfortable with our audience. It started off sort of awkward, but we quickly broke the ice and started laughing with them as if they were our old friends. None of them seemed to have any issues with self-esteem, but they were definitely open to everything we did and everything we had to say.
Our first activity was called “tear it up” and they girls seemed to love it. None of them volunteered to go first, so Erica, Dennisse, and I got it started and after that they were eager to continue. During that activity, we got to know a lot about more about them, and they got to learn more about us. We also showed them a website that shows how professional advertisements are airbrushed, and got then started on a magazine scavenger hunt where we looked through magazines to identify unrealistic images of women. The conversation around the topic went extremely well and we finished off the evening with pizza and drinks. If you would like more information, visit our health guide about self-esteem and body image.