Tag Archives: Self-Esteem

Chasing Your Interests

Along with the closing school year and climbing spring temperatures came a day that would change my life forever (dramatic, but true.) Cheer tryouts were just around the corner. Being a gymnast my entire life, I had already achieved the athleticism required to be a…

Every Body is a Beach Body

As we head into the warmer months, I overhear people talking about getting that “beach body” and notice both young and adult women in the gym locker room obsessively weighing themselves. While it’s important to make healthy lifestyle choices, the number on the scale shouldn’t…


Do you ever compare yourself to others on social media? You are not alone! With the growing popularity of social media, many teens and young adults feel pressure to look perfect in pictures and carefully craft their social media feeds to show only the best…

Ever Wonder What Others Think Of You?

Honest, grounded, thoughtful, motivated, organized, social, laid-back, reliable, positive, professional, dependable, kind, beautiful, persevering, friendly, curious, amicable, resourceful, inspiring, loving, motivating, blunt, expressive, responsible, pretty, bossy, big-attitude, lazy, dedicated, and hardworking. These are all the words used to describe me by my closest friends, family,…

Embracing the Body You Have

Most of us say there’s something about our body we’d like to change. It isn’t always easy to accept ourselves and be confident with who we are and how we look. It is easy to create unrealistic expectations for the way you look based on…

Hard Facts About Penis Size

Is my penis a normal size? Too big? Too small? If you’re a guy, you might be anxious about your penis being the “right” size or shape, and whether sexual partners will be satisfied. Many things lead to these fears. For example, large penises are…


Looking Within

As a young woman diagnosed with PCOS, you’ve probably been counseled about the importance of following a low glycemic diet and exercising more to help manage your symptoms.  However, hearing the word “diet” can cause a fierce knee-jerk reaction which is then likely followed by…

Loving Your Insecurities

Many of us have insecurities, whether it’s the way our noses looks or the way our ears are shaped. I had many insecurities growing up. I really didn’t like it when people would always comment on how different I looked from the rest of my…

Gender Inequality Is Your Issue Too

This weekend, Emma Watson delivered a speech to the United Nations to launch a new campaign called HeForShe which aims to include men and boys in the discussion on gender inequality. She focused on a point that often gets neglected in the feminist rhetoric: how…