Tag Archives: Bullying

Being an Ally

Bullying anyone is hurtful, especially if it makes the victim feel like no one cares. Some teens are particularly vulnerable to bullying. Did you know that LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) youth are twice as likely to be bullied or physically attacked as other…

Whitney Kropp

Joke’s On the Bully

Not everyone is bullied, so some of us may not realize that it’s a big problem. Bullies tend to attack the most vulnerable people and that’s what makes them so dangerous. Victims of bullying tend to have low self-esteem to begin with, so they typically don’t have…

Holding Hands - Gay Pride

So Gay? No Way!

I heard it again last weekend on the street while I was enjoying the unseasonable sunshine: one teenager said to another “that’s so gay!” I thought people were moving beyond this! We have made a lot of progress in the past few years, and most…


Bullying: Are Bystanders More Important than We Think?

Most teens in Massachusetts have gotten a lesson or workshop on bullying since an anti-bullying legislature was passed due to the suicide case of Phoebe Prince, a young teenager from South Hadley, Massachusetts. Today in my English class we were reading an article called “The…

Being Bullied

About Bullying…

Unfortunately, bullying seems to be a part of growing up. In a sad way, it almost seems like a natural evolutionary instinct for some people. It’s like they need to be mean to make themselves feel better. People who bully others are sad individuals, and…

Spirit Day

Purple! Purple! Everywhere!

I know you must have seen some of your classmates wearing the color purple yesterday and wondered why. October 20th, 2010 was “Spirit Day”, a day to remember six young men who took their lives because they were reportedly bullied for being gay. The organization…