Tag Archives: Healthy Eating

Wait, Weight, What?

There has been a lot of talk in the news lately about weight loss medications in addition to the ever-present diet talk that never seems to go away. You might have also heard some terms used by people in an attempt to fight against diet…

Homemade Warm Weather Treats

When the sun is shining and the heat is on, it’s natural to crave a frozen treat like ice cream, slush, or a popsicle. Did you know that there are many cold treats that you can make yourself at home? That way you can customize…

Nutrition During the Pandemic

During the current pandemic, our routines have shifted and “normal” days have started to blend together. Is it Monday or Thursday?  For many, school has started, helping to restore a little more routine but in order to limit the spread of disease life is different…

Intermittent Fasting: Is it Safe?

Intermittent fasting (IF) has recently become a popular diet trend, and you may be curious if it is healthy or not. IF has many different definitions, but in general it means fasting for a certain period of the day or week. The most common type…

Have Some Passion for Your Heart

Do you ever stop and thank your heart? If not, you really should. Your number one supporter in life isn’t your family, friends, or partner; it’s your heart. Every accomplishment ever obtained, every special moment ever shared, and every love ever experienced, was only possible…

Every Body is a Beach Body

As we head into the warmer months, I overhear people talking about getting that “beach body” and notice both young and adult women in the gym locker room obsessively weighing themselves. While it’s important to make healthy lifestyle choices, the number on the scale shouldn’t…

Healthy Eating Travel Tips

For many of us, summer means a break from school, a chance to spend time with our friends and family, and maybe even a summer vacation. However, during the summer, making healthy food choices, especially while traveling can be challenging! Hydration can also be difficult….

Fueling Your Brain

With final exams coming up, we could all use an extra boost while studying.  Your brain is one of the most critical organs of your body, not to mention it is actually still developing throughout your teenage years!  It is essential to choose the best…

Fast Food

Leaving Fast Food Behind

Have you ever felt like it was just too hard to keep up with your nutrition goal? Just based off of personal experience I can say that trying to juggle school, work, the gym, and healthy eating has always been a bit of a struggle…