SADI don’t know about you, but sometimes during these cold dark days in New England I find myself feeling more sluggish, not as interested as I usually am in activities I love, and even a little bit sad for what seems like no reason. All I want to do is stay inside and be warm. Some of these feelings are normal, but in other cases, when these feelings are really making life hard, it turns out that there’s actually a name for it. It’s called Seasonal Affective Disorder – or SAD for short.

The symptoms can look a lot like depression, but unlike depression, the feelings tend to happen mostly during the late fall and winter months (in places where there’s minimal sunshine and daytime is shorter). The funny thing is, symptoms get better by spring time when days are sunny and daylight is longer. It’s estimated that 1%-12% of people experience SAD, so if you can relate to these feelings, you’re not alone!

Seeing less sunshine might not seem like a big deal, but it can throw off your sleeping patterns as well as some of the chemicals in your body that help keep you in a good mood! The good news is that there are some simple things you can do to get yourself feeling back on track when spring seems far away!

You can start by:

  • Pulling open those curtains in your room and letting the sun come in. Even if it’s cold outside, having sunlight in your room may brighten your mood.
  • Go outside to get the direct benefits of the winter sun. I like taking a walk around the neighborhood with my dog.
  • Being more active – even if its inside. This can help! You could try out a new class at your local gym or sign up for a sport at school!

It isn’t unusual to feel a bit down once in a while, especially during the dark and dreary days of the year. However, if you find that these feelings don’t get better with some of the simple tips I mentioned, you should talk to your primary care provider. There are other things that can help, such as a special light that mimics the effect of natural sunlight right inside your home.
