Setting Goals
Everyone has a goal whether it’s a short term goal or a long term goal. It’s something we want to complete in the present or later on in our life. It doesn’t matter if the goal is something small― all that matters is what we do to complete it. For instance, my goal right now is to stop procrastinating when it comes to doing my homework. My strategy to complete my goal is this― afterschool I set my alarm for 4pm to remind myself that I have to begin my homework.
When it comes to long term goals, I believe that it is very important to make sure that I’m headed in the right direction. My long term goal is to become a neonatologist or a neonatal nurse specialist. In order for me to make sure that I’m on the right track, I always stay on task with my school work, keep focused in all of my classes, and study for quizzes and tests.
A goal doesn’t have to be about school. You can set goals about anything, such as eating breakfast every morning or helping your mom by washing the dishes when you get home from school every day. Actually, pursuing a goal is key because you feel an incredible sense of satisfaction upon completing it.
I have set many goals in my life and I can proudly say that it feels good to know that I have accomplished most of them and that I will be completing the rest of them later on in my life. Working towards a goal can feel rewarding because you realize how much time and effort you need to put into getting what you want. There might be challenges along the way but that shouldn’t stop you from reaching high. “Good things come to those who work for them”― just remember that when you feel stuck or feel like giving up.