Taking Stress Off Your Plate

Have you ever felt so stressed that you just wanted some time for yourself to relax? Have you ever put so much on your plate that you didn’t know whether to go to sleep or stay awake and deal with all of your responsibilities? These are all things that I’ve gone through and that I’ve learned to work around in order to make sure I’m not getting too overwhelmed. One of the first things I learned in high school as I started to get involved in extracurriculars was time management. I started using calendars on my phone and an agenda for quizzes, homework assignments, or any upcoming due dates. Calendars are so helpful because they always remind me of what feels like the 100 things I need to get done. Staying organized helps me de-stress a bit, but it doesn’t make my stress go away completely.

Aside from using organizational skills, remaining close to family and friends who can always make me laugh or smile plays a big role in keeping my sanity, especially as a senior in high school with college decisions coming out constantly. I’ve learned whenever something doesn’t feel right, to always communicate with someone rather than ignore the problem, allowing it to become worse. I personally have always had my entire family encouraging me, and my friends by my side when I need someone to talk to.

Being social and being around others is always good, but taking time for yourself is also key. Something as small as having your nails done, working out on a treadmill, reading a book, or watching Netflix in bed have all helped me relax and forget for at least a few hours all that I need to get done. Although it may take some time away from your day, find something you love and continue doing it as a way of getting some much needed down time.

– Kiana