
Studying - (Image courtesy of shho @ stock.xchng)Hey guys, I know I haven’t written a blog in a long time, but I’ve been very busy lately, especially at school. I’m currently in the process of getting ready to take my end of year finals, and as overwhelming as it is, I’m very excited that the school year is almost over. I still have a ton of work to do, but the thought of summer and being out of school for 2 whole months motivates me everyday to get my work done and over with. However, everyone deals with stress differently and having a lot to do – especially long essays, research papers and projects – can drive anybody crazy. Here are some tips that should help you relax and stress less!

  • Plan ahead – Don’t wait until the last minute to write your term papers/reports. Start early.
  • Make a draft, brainstorm about ideas and begin to organize your thoughts in an outline.
  • Read aloud – Before passing in a paper, read it out loud to see if it sounds clear, understandable and free of spelling errors-you don’t want to lose points for bad grammar or misspelled words!
  • Get 8-9 hours of sleep every night, especially during finals so that you’re well rested and at the top of your game.
  • Try not to stress – Take slow deep breaths if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
  • Think of how relaxed you’ll feel when your finals and papers are done and over with.

It’s important to remember that with the right amount of hard work and determination anything is achievable. I hope this helped a little. Now go and breeze through your finals!
