Brittany’s Endo Story: Part 2

Endometriosis Ribbon GirlsIt was March 13th 2012, two weeks before my surgery date. I was riding home from school on the bus, sitting next to my best friend and talking to her about the school day. We were discussing band class when I got a phone call from my mom. I thought this was odd, because my mom’s a teacher –  so if she was calling me from school it had to be important. I answered the phone with a calm hello.

My mom told me that my surgery date was pushed to the next day, as someone had canceled their surgery and there was now an opening. I hung up the phone with a rush of emotions. “I can’t do this!, I don’t want someone to cut me open!, I don’t want to be in pain!” – these were some of the thoughts going through my head after the phone call from my mom. I was anxious all the way up until the very next morning before my surgery.

On the morning of my surgery, I woke up bright and early making sure I had comfy clothes to wear and my trusted teddy bear by my side. By the time we arrived at Boston Children’s Hospital, I was shaking like crazy. I had no idea what to expect. My mom and I walked in the front door of the main hospital entrance hand in hand, and I had my teddy bear under my arm. I sat down in the waiting room and listened for my name to be called. “Brittany”, a woman finally said. I got up and nervously walked toward her. She took me to the holding area and gave me a hospital gown to change into.

After I changed, I laid down on a hospital bed with my parents by my side. As they were giving me a pep talk, a nurse came over to me and put a hospital bracelet on my wrist. She took one look at me and the teddy in my arms and asked if my teddy (“Luke”) wanted a hospital bracelet too. Now I know I’m a 16 year old girl, but this was the only thing that made me smile that morning. The nurse then told me that Luke could go into the operating room with me. I was so excited!

After she left, another nurse came over to me and gave me medicine to help me relax. After she stuck the syringe in my arm, I started to feel at ease. I knew my time before surgery was coming to an end, so I said goodbye to my parents and kissed them both. They told me I would see them soon, and then they left. Another nurse wheeled my bed into the operating room. Then, with help, I slid onto the table. I knew I would be asleep for the surgery, so now I was waiting for the anesthesia. Nurses surrounded me, and then the anesthesiologist gave me a mask to put over my face and told me to start counting. I can’t remember what number I was up to, but I know it wasn’t long before I was asleep.

The next thing I remember was waking up with my parents at my bedside and Luke on my lap. I was so happy to see them, but I knew something didn’t feel right. My doctor stopped by to see me in the recovery room and told me the surgery was a success. I felt nauseous and vomited during the first part of the car ride home. When I finally got home I slept for what seemed to be an eternity. I remember being so tired that I couldn’t even walk around my house. However, even with all the fatigue and sleepiness, there was no more pain.

When the fatigue finally wore off and I could stay awake for more than an hour, my friends came over to visit and brought me ice cream. They asked me a ton of questions about endometriosis and my whole surgery experience. I told them about everything and reassured them that I was finally okay. I knew they shared my happiness. I was finally pain free.

Luke’s hospital bracelet is still on his arm, and I’ll never take the bracelet off. It marks the day I got my life back. March 14th, 2012.
