Tag Archives: Food Labels

Food Labels, What Do They Really Mean?

If you are anything like me, walking through the grocery store and reading all the labels on food can be a bit daunting. What exactly does “raised without antibiotics” or “non-GMO” labels tell you about the food you are about to purchase? I did a…

Some Big Changes

While reading nutrition labels may not be an activity you do that often, it can be an important part of eating in a healthy way. With the idea that “knowledge is power”, as a dietitian, I often find myself educating patients about the importance of…

Food Surprises

When you hear the ingredients “sugar and wheat,” you might assume that the food being made is cookies, or maybe a cupcake but what about candy or salad dressing? Many of us would like to believe that we know what we are putting into our…


The Clean 15

Organic foods were once “specialty items” only found in health food stores. Now, when you enter most grocery stores, you’ll notice that produce items are often in both the conventional (non-organic) and organic form. But which should you choose? In a perfect world, we should…


Confusing Food Labels

The other day I was shopping for a cereal to make crunchy fruit and yogurt parfaits with a group of kids I’d never met before. I wasn’t sure if any of them had any food allergies, so I tried to find a cereal with the…