Tag Archives: PCOS and Dieting


PCOS and Weight Gain: What’s the Deal?

While weight is a sensitive topic for everyone, it can be especially sensitive for teens with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) because weight gain can be a symptom of PCOS. Depending on someone’s current weight and height, 5-10% weight loss is sometimes recommended for women with…


A Glycemic Index Refresher

If you’ve ever done any research into a good “diet” for PCOS, you may have heard the term “low glycemic index.” But just because you’ve heard of it, doesn’t mean you understand what it means! In essence, the glycemic index of a food indicates how…


Meeting with a Dietitian Changed My Life

New Year’s Day marks a time when we feel compelled to make resolutions and right at the top of the list is weight loss. Why is it that people feel pressured to commit to losing weight in January?  Heck, even the department stores are cashing…


When low fat = high sugar

When you see the words “low-fat” on a food, do you assume that food is healthy? For many years fat was considered to be the main dietary contributor towards weight gain. But then something strange happened…foods started being manufactured with less fat, advertised as low-fat,…


PCOS and Gluten-Free Diets

You might hear a lot of your friends, or even family members talking about gluten-free diets. Perhaps you have even heard that a gluten-free diet is beneficial for women with PCOS. It’s no surprise that you have heard so much chatter about gluten-free diets because…


Looking Within

As a young woman diagnosed with PCOS, you’ve probably been counseled about the importance of following a low glycemic diet and exercising more to help manage your symptoms.  However, hearing the word “diet” can cause a fierce knee-jerk reaction which is then likely followed by…

Healthy Food Obsession

The Perfect Diet

Chances are that if you’ve ever tried losing weight, you might have thought to yourself ‘which diet should I follow?” A major news outlet, the U.S. News & World Report, ranks the best diets every year in an attempt to help people choose which one…


Don’t Diet for PCOS

My message today is simple: Don’t diet … at least in the way we traditionally think about dieting. Research studies have shown that, on average, 95 percent of people who lose weight end up regaining this weight (and often more) within 1-5 years. (Although we’re…