The Dreaded 8am

young woman jogging in morning sunlightThe most common piece of advice people told me before I went to college was “don’t sign up for the 8 am class – you’ll hate yourself”. I went through my freshman year wary of their advice – I never took a class earlier than 9. I had always been a morning person, but the warnings of all my friends and family kept me from registering for early morning enviro or yoga.

But this year was different. With a busier schedule and a desire to stay in shape I did it – I signed up for an 8 am core training athletics class three days a week.

It took a few days of adjusting to my alarm going off a little earlier than I was used to, but now I’m one month into the class and looking forward to every morning I have it. Though I’m not sure how I would enjoy sitting in a classroom this early in the morning, I would definitely recommend signing up for an early morning athletics class, or just going to the gym or for a run before you begin your busy schedule.

Research has shown that exercise causes the release of endorphins, the “feel-good” chemicals of the body. Endorphins are released from the brain and improve ones mood. Not only will exercising early in the morning help wake you up, it will also increase your positive attitude, the perfect combination to start a great day!
