Potluck Friendly PCOS Meals

PCOS BlogAs the winter chill sets in, many people may notice that it becomes harder and harder to be motivated to get out and socialize. While staying in can be relaxing every once in a while, being social and making the most of the winter is important, too!  The next time you are searching for an activity to do with friends or family, consider a potluck meal.  A potluck meal is a gathering where everyone in attendance brings in a dish to share. Sometimes, potlucks have a wide spread of dishes, ranging from appetizers to desserts. Other times, potlucks contain a spread of more snack type foods. That being said and regardless of what kind of potluck it is, these events are great ways to get ideas for new recipes, spend time with loved ones and have an exciting event on the calendar to look forward to.  You can also boost your own kitchen-confidence by making a recipe you have been eyeing, or curious about.

If you have PCOS, you may be worried about finding food at a potluck that matches up with your typical eating patterns. Oftentimes at potlucks, you may be unsure of what an item is or how it was prepared. You can always ask the chef, or else, you can stick with options you recognize. For those with PCOS trying to manage their weight, eating in a healthy way at a potluck is important to consider, too!  One way to control your portion sizes, versus overindulge, is to take one plate of food from the spread. This leaves you with a sample of what you are most interested in trying. After this, try and move away from the food table and socialize. If you find yourself still hungry after an hour, then it may be time to refill your plate on healthy options, with whole grains, protein and fiber.

One way to make sure that there is a tasty, healthy option that makes you feel good is to bring a PCOS-friendly potluck dish with you. Remember, foods that are recommended for women with PCOS are healthy options for everyone! So not only would you be bringing a healthy option for yourself, you’d also be helping everyone at the potluck to eat in a balanced way.

Some ideas for healthy recipes to bring to a potluck are:

  • Bruschetta (chopped up tomato on toast) made with whole grain bread
  • Hummus served with cut up vegetables or whole grain pita
  • Colorful fruit salad to brighten up even the dreariest day

What makes these foods PCOS-friendly? There are sources of whole grains in the bruschetta and the pita. The hummus is a source of protein with a healthy punch of fiber, and the veggies are packed with vitamins and fiber too. Finally, a fruit salad has fiber and plenty of vitamins and minerals that everyone could use more of, especially in the winter months.

Not only do these sharable dishes contain hearty, PCOS-friendly nutrients, they are also easy to whip up in a few minutes and serve to a crowd.

Dig in and enjoy,

-Dietitian Amy