Category Archives: Emotional Health

Mental Health Matters

If I had the flu, I wouldn’t think twice about telling my friends or my doctor. For some reason, however, mental health is not treated in the same way. October 10th marks World Mental Health Day. Mental health struggles are just as valid as any…

Every Body is a Beach Body

As we head into the warmer months, I overhear people talking about getting that “beach body” and notice both young and adult women in the gym locker room obsessively weighing themselves. While it’s important to make healthy lifestyle choices, the number on the scale shouldn’t…

Mind-Full or Mindful: How Can Mindfulness Help You?

You’ve probably heard the word “Mindfulness” on the internet, on social media, or when talking to your friends. You’ve probably also thought “there’s no way I can sit still and meditate,” or “there’s no way that works.” Let’s talk about what mindfulness is, and how…

What’s your emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to read, understand and respond to emotions in ourselves and other people. It allows us to understand and label emotions, as well as express and regulate them. As a student, I am often more concerned about my academic intelligence, which…