Category Archives: Nutrition

Healthy Food Obsession

Three Trendy Diets Explained

In a diet-obsessed society, healthy diet and lifestyle trends come and go as fast as you can say coconut oil. With a constant influx of new information, it can be hard to keep up with the latest fads. Here are three popular diet tips, and…


PCOS and Weight Gain: What’s the Deal?

While weight is a sensitive topic for everyone, it can be especially sensitive for teens with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) because weight gain can be a symptom of PCOS. Depending on someone’s current weight and height, 5-10% weight loss is sometimes recommended for women with…


PCOS: Make it a Pair with Protein

For young women with PCOS, we recommend eating a balanced diet which includes whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and protein. Protein is important for rebuilding muscles and repairing tissues in the body and helps keep blood sugar level. It also keeps us full between meals….


Intuitive Eating and PCOS

Have you ever gone too long without eating that your stomach starts to growl and you get “hangry” (angry, grouchy or irritable because you’re hungry)? Have you ever had cravings that are so strong that they lead to eating past the point of fullness? When…


Don’t be Fooled by the “Whole Grain” Game

I often talk to people about the importance of eating whole grains which includes whole wheat, brown rice, quinoa, oats, buckwheat, corn, bulger, and more. These grains are important for the health benefits that they provide through vitamins, minerals, and fiber in a way that…


PCOS and Small Frequent Meals

If you are a young woman diagnosed with PCOS, you may have heard the recommendation that you should eat “small frequent meals” instead of two or three large meals during the day. This is suggested for several reasons. One reason is that it helps to…

Healthy Eating Travel Tips

For many of us, summer means a break from school, a chance to spend time with our friends and family, and maybe even a summer vacation. However, during the summer, making healthy food choices, especially while traveling can be challenging! Hydration can also be difficult….


Summer Barbeques!

Summer is finally here! With the fourth of July right around the corner, what better time than now to talk about summer BBQs? BBQs are a great way to get together with your family and friends to enjoy the beautiful weather. Often, these gatherings feature…

Fueling Your Brain

With final exams coming up, we could all use an extra boost while studying.  Your brain is one of the most critical organs of your body, not to mention it is actually still developing throughout your teenage years!  It is essential to choose the best…