Category Archives: Nutrition

Season’s Eatings

What is eating seasonally? Eating seasonally means only eating foods that are growing in the current season. Different geographic locations have different foods that are able to grow during the winter, with some places with colder climates not able to grow any food during the…

Every Body is a Beach Body

As we head into the warmer months, I overhear people talking about getting that “beach body” and notice both young and adult women in the gym locker room obsessively weighing themselves. While it’s important to make healthy lifestyle choices, the number on the scale shouldn’t…

The Mediterranean Diet: More than just a diet

Fearful of giving up your favorite foods if you try the Mediterranean diet? You don’t have to be!  Restricting foods you love and avoiding major food groups is not a helpful or smart way to eat healthier.  In fact, most people are unable to stick…

Hydrating for Cold Weather Exercise

When we think of healthy nutrition the first thought that often comes to mind is food! But food isn’t the only key factor in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Hydration is a critical piece that is often overlooked, especially during the winter months when we aren’t…

Iron: How do you know you’re getting enough?

Iron is an important nutrient that gives us energy by assisting in the transportation of oxygen to the cells in our body. Iron is especially important during the teen years because young women are growing and going through puberty which can increase energy demands. Most…

Trick or Treating with Food Allergies

Trick or treating is a fun activity to do with family or friends, but if you have a food allergy or sensitivity, this activity can feel challenging and scary.  Peanuts, tree nuts, milk, egg, wheat, and soy are among the top allergens in candy that…

Take a Step Towards Meal Prep

Are you a college student who is sick of eating dining hall food? Are you a parent who stresses about what to cook for dinner every day? Are you a teen who wants to start eating healthier? If you answered yes to any of these…