Category Archives: Nutrition

Food Labels, What Do They Really Mean?

If you are anything like me, walking through the grocery store and reading all the labels on food can be a bit daunting. What exactly does “raised without antibiotics” or “non-GMO” labels tell you about the food you are about to purchase? I did a…


Sugar-Sweetened Beverages

Drinking liquids is important for everyone. For young women with PCOS, it is important to limit intake of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), or drinks that have sugar added to them. This includes non-diet soft drinks or soda; sports drinks, such as Gatorade brand; sweetened tea, such…

Fast Food

Leaving Fast Food Behind

Have you ever felt like it was just too hard to keep up with your nutrition goal? Just based off of personal experience I can say that trying to juggle school, work, the gym, and healthy eating has always been a bit of a struggle…

Coffee, Anyone?

When you drink coffee as much as I do, it is good to know how it is affecting your body. I am constantly being told by others about the negative effects of coffee on me. However, that leads me to think of when I first…


Meeting with a Dietitian Changed My Life

New Year’s Day marks a time when we feel compelled to make resolutions and right at the top of the list is weight loss. Why is it that people feel pressured to commit to losing weight in January?  Heck, even the department stores are cashing…


When low fat = high sugar

When you see the words “low-fat” on a food, do you assume that food is healthy? For many years fat was considered to be the main dietary contributor towards weight gain. But then something strange happened…foods started being manufactured with less fat, advertised as low-fat,…

Some Big Changes

While reading nutrition labels may not be an activity you do that often, it can be an important part of eating in a healthy way. With the idea that “knowledge is power”, as a dietitian, I often find myself educating patients about the importance of…


Cool Off with a Healthy Frozen Treat

The summer months are a great time to be outside, spend time with friends and enjoy more free time than you may have during the school year. Between sunscreen and bathing suits, there is often opportunity for frozen treats such as ice cream and popsicles….

Katlyn’s Korner

It’s spring! A change in seasons means many things but one of the most important things is a shift in the “in-season” fruits and vegetables. One of the spring seasons’ highlighted vegetables and one of my personal favorites is…asparagus! Asparagus, scientifically known as Asparagus officinalis,…