Category Archives: PCOS


PCOS and College

Going away to college for the first time can be super exciting, but what if you have a chronic health condition such as PCOS? There can definitely be challenges, but most of the time you’ll have available resources to help you manage your symptoms. It’s…


What’s the Deal with Added Sugar?

There’s been a lot of talk about added sugar recently, because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is talking about putting “added sugar” on the nutrition label. If you are someone who reads the nutrition label on the foods you eat, you know that sugar…


When A Friend Is Diagnosed with PCOS

You’ve recently learned your friend has PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and you’re wondering how you can be supportive. Knowing what PCOS is as well as having an understanding of the symptoms can help you to be an awesome friend. PCOS is more common than you…


PCOS and Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency (not having enough vitamin D) is fairly common among teens in general. However, new research shows that girls with PCOS are more likely than other girls (without a diagnosis of PCOS) to be deficient in vitamin D. There’s also a lot of…


PCOS and Friendship

Having a medical condition that is a tongue twister isn’t easy. Take for example the name. PCOS is short for a whopping eight syllables that sounds more like a science fiction movie than a medical condition. So how can you begin to explain PCOS to…


Being SMART with PCOS

Eating well, staying active, and maintaining a healthy weight can improve PCOS symptoms, but do you know what it means to be S.M.A.R.T. with PCOS? The key to making positive changes is goal setting. S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym that some people (such as Project Smart…


PCOS and Your Environment

You may be very familiar with what you can do to preserve the environment, such as recycling and using less fuel. If so, you probably also realize that your actions will affect future generations – but what are the benefits now? Earlier this week a company…


Glycemic Index and PCOS

If you have PCOS, you’ll likely come across the term Glycemic Index (GI) at some point. It’s a tough concept for most people to wrap their heads around, so I thought it would be a good topic for this month’s PCOS blog entry. The best…


PCOS Style New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year! Did you make a new year’s resolution this year? I’ve always had mixed feelings about New Year’s resolutions. I think it’s great when people set goals (especially when it comes to health), but the resolutions some people make are so unrealistic. I mean, why resolve…


PCOS and Depression

Getting a diagnosis of PCOS can be a big relief, as you finally have a name for what’s been going on with your body. Knowing the cause of the physical problems you have and understanding that treatment is available can feel like a load has been lifted…