Tag Archives: New Year’s Resolutions

How to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions

The new year is around the corner, and that means it’s time for…new year’s resolutions! I was curious what the most popular new year’s resolutions are, so I did some research. These are some of the most common ones I found: Lose Weight Get Organized…


Finding the Right Balance in 2016

Many people associate the New Year with resolutions. Some choose to “give up” things, while others resolve to “change” some aspect of their life.  While reassessing yourself is definitely worthwhile, making a commitment to make an extreme change may not be realistic. Instead of focusing…


PCOS and Holiday Eating

Comments about food and weight seem to be an all-time high this week. One minute I’m reading posts from people who are complaining about holiday eating and weight gain; the next minute I hear people talking about New Year’s resolutions, health goals, weight loss, etc….

Curvy Girl

Embrace Your Curves!

At the beginning of each year, tons of people make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight. They may say things such as “My hips are too big”, or “I want a flat stomach”, or “I need to work on my figure”, but why can’t they just embrace…


PCOS Style New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year! Did you make a new year’s resolution this year? I’ve always had mixed feelings about New Year’s resolutions. I think it’s great when people set goals (especially when it comes to health), but the resolutions some people make are so unrealistic. I mean, why resolve…

Thinking about Resolutions

Realistic Resolutions

2012 is fast approaching. Historically, New Year’s Day is when people make resolutions and set goals for themselves for the coming year. It’s also a time when we reflect on our accomplishments from the previous year. It can be rewarding if we’ve achieved our goals,…


Un año que viene y otro que se va

Ya se esta acercando el año nuevo. Creo que es tiempo que empezemos a pensar en todo lo que hemos logrado en este ano. Que refleccionemos sobre las cosas que hubieramos hecho diferente y el porque. Tambien seria bueno hacer una lista de metas para…