Category Archives: Current Events


Curb the Urge

Texting is instantaneous, simple, and gratifying. It satiates a nearly unquenchable desire to remain socially connected whether you’re suffering through a brutal class, watching an exhilarating World Cup match, or even participating in a pick-up basketball game. While texting brings loads of good to our…

Fireworks Safety

Fireworks can be pretty and fun, but getting hurt isn’t. Every year thousands of people are taken to the hospital emergency rooms in the United States because of injuries from fireworks. The most common injuries involve hands, fingers, eyes, the head, and face. According to…

Barack Obama

National Equal Pay Day

This past Tuesday, April 20, 2010, was declared National Equal Pay Day by the President of the United States, Barack Obama. As many of you may already know, women throughout history have been at a great disadvantage to men. This is especially true when it…

Water Intoxication

Water Intoxication

I’m sure you’ve been told to “drink eight 8 oz. glasses of water every day” thousands of times, but has anyone ever told you to be aware of the amount of water that you’re drinking? What happens if you drink too much water? After reading an…

Ban Bullying

Ban Bullying

In the recent case of the South Hadley teen who allegedly was tormented by mean girls at her school, bullying had grave consequences. According to media reports, this 15 year old girl was the target of not one, but many girls who apparently made it…

Help Haiti Rise

Help Haiti Rise

The earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12th had a magnitude of 7.0, and took the lives of more than an estimated 100,000 people. Haiti’s telephone system collapsed and communication of any kind is limited. Many people still do not know the condition of their family…


Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

On Saturday, I travelled from Boston to Virginia by car for a family vacation. Some of the things that made the nine hour drive better were the air conditioner and lots and lots of water. At one point while stuck in traffic in Maryland, I started to…

Star Tattoo

Think Before You Ink

Last week, eighteen year old Kimberley Vlaminck sued her tattoo artist after receiving fifty-six stars tattooed on her face. Kimberely, who insists on having asked for just three stars, claims to have fallen asleep while being tattooed, waking up with much more than she bargained…