Category Archives: Nutrition


PCOS and Gluten-Free Diets

You might hear a lot of your friends, or even family members talking about gluten-free diets. Perhaps you have even heard that a gluten-free diet is beneficial for women with PCOS. It’s no surprise that you have heard so much chatter about gluten-free diets because…

It’s Time for a Sensational Summer Smoothie

Want something delicious and healthy that can also cool you down on a hot summer day? Smoothies are a great summer beverage and can be packed full of nutrients and vitamins depending on what ingredients you put in them. They are also good because they…

My Obsession With H2O

My obsession with water has gotten out of control – but in a good way! I have tons of water bottles in my room, my school locker and even my bag. I get asked so many different times “how come you drink so much water?”…


The Clean 15

Organic foods were once “specialty items” only found in health food stores. Now, when you enter most grocery stores, you’ll notice that produce items are often in both the conventional (non-organic) and organic form. But which should you choose? In a perfect world, we should…

What’s living in your gut?

The digestive system or “gut” is home to trillions of microscopic bacteria that live in our gastrointestinal (GI) tract and play a major role in our health. Our gut is a really complex environment that consists of both beneficial (good) and harmful (bad) bacteria that…

Seeds – A Healthy Super Snack

You may have heard that snacking on nuts is a healthy alternative to “junk” food such as potato chips or candy. Like nuts, seeds can be very beneficial to your health. They are rich in healthy unsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein, which make…

Chocolate Health Benefits and Recipe

Most people enjoy giving and receiving chocolates, but sometimes these tasty treats get a bad rap. Luckily, science shows that eating chocolate in small amounts is not only delicious, but has many health benefits associated with it. So, what is in chocolate that makes it…

Healthy Food Obsession

The Perfect Diet

Chances are that if you’ve ever tried losing weight, you might have thought to yourself ‘which diet should I follow?” A major news outlet, the U.S. News & World Report, ranks the best diets every year in an attempt to help people choose which one…