Category Archives: Nutrition

The Importance of Healthy Eating

Healthy eating can be really hard. Many young people would rather grab a bag of chips than an apple. The reason why many teens suffer from a poor diet is because they either don’t have the time to eat right or because most of the…

Lobby Day

Recently I had the special opportunity to participate in the Eating Disorders Coalition (EDC) Lobby Day in Washington, DC. EDC is an advocacy organization for people with eating disorders whose mission is to improve the recognition of eating disorders as a public health priority at…

water bottle

Healthy Hydration for Hot Weather

Now that the hot summer weather is here (at least for those of us in New England), it’s important to think about drinking plenty of water and other healthy beverages to protect yourself from the heat. It might be hard to believe, but water makes…

Chef Caitlin

Chef Caitlin’s Corner: Summertime Food Safety

Picnics, beach lunches, cookouts, and hot temperatures; these activities are a lot of fun, but they may can spell trouble for the food we eat. I’ve blogged about food safety for your lunch box, but now let’s talk about summertime food safety. Summer presents some…

Chef Caitlin

Chef Caitlin’s Corner: Fruit Season Has Finally Arrived!

First signs of spring in New England: warmer weather, trees budding, school year winding down, and FRUIT! After the long winter we had, it was a welcome sign that summer is approaching. Berries, including blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries, are in season in the month of…

Healthy Mexican Meal

Serving Size vs. Portion Size

Do you know what the difference is between a portion size and a serving size? If you don’t, you’re not alone! I’m studying to be a dietitian and even I get confused sometimes. A serving size is the amount of food that it is recommended…


Enjoy the Taste of Eating Vegetables!

Even though national nutrition month is over, good nutrition and eating right is important all year long. An important part of eating right is making sure you incorporate vegetables into your daily diet. Vegetables contain essential nutrients that we need in order to stay healthy…


Enjoy the Taste of Eating Right

Happy Nutrition Month! This year’s theme for national nutrition month is “Enjoy the Taste of Eating Right”. There are many ways to spice up your dishes, and that’s exactly what I am going to tell you how to do. Dealing with spices can get overwhelming….


Almond Milk

For those of you who have never heard of almond milk, you may be wondering how milk is made from something other than a cow. Almond milk is made by blending pre-soaked almonds with water. This mixture is put into a mesh bag to filter…


Confusing Food Labels

The other day I was shopping for a cereal to make crunchy fruit and yogurt parfaits with a group of kids I’d never met before. I wasn’t sure if any of them had any food allergies, so I tried to find a cereal with the…