Tag Archives: Domestic Violence

Dating Violence

Dating Violence

Violence is a physical force resulting in injury, damage, or even death. Teens see it on TV, hear about it via Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking platforms. Some may witness violence on the street or in their homes, and still others experience violence in…

Abusive Relationship

Abusive Relationships

When people think about abuse in relationships, they often assume the abuse is physical. Although physical abuse is a form of abuse, it’s not the only type. There are other kinds of abuse as well: emotional/verbal, financial, and sexual abuse. Emotional abuse is when someone…

Day of the Girl Logo

National Day of the Girl

What do you think about having a national day for girls? The organization School Girls Unite is asking President Obama to declare September 22 the National Day of the Girl. They are doing this in hope of raising awareness on a number of issues affecting…

Rihanna - Man Down Video Still

“Man Down”

I don’t know if you guys have watched Rihanna’s new music video “Man Down” or heard about the surrounding controversy. The first time I watched the video, I didn’t get what was going on. After reading the lyrics and watching again, I understand that in the video…


Precious Self-Esteem

Last week, I went to see the movie “Precious” with two of my friends, primarily because one of my friends really wanted to see it after reading the book. My friends summary of the book sparked our interest, so we all decided to go see it…


Teen Dating & Violence

So, we all know about the situation with the pop superstars Chris Brown and Rihanna. Regardless of what the tabloids may say, domestic violence is not okay and it should not be condoned in any way, shape, or form. Nobody deserves to be verbally or…