Tag Archives: Flu

Winter is coming, and so are seasonal vaccines!

Nowadays, it’s difficult to look into the future, or even outside of our own houses. Sometimes I feel like it’s even hard to remember what month it is (it’s October already!), let alone plan for the future. We are all so distracted by the problems…

Fighting Sickness Season

As we head into the fall, we also head into cold and flu season. Germs are all around us, and getting sick at some point is inevitable. Luckily, with these simple steps you can decrease your risk of illness and stay healthy this fall season…


Tis’ the Season

The holiday season is almost in full swing, and that means party invitations and family gatherings. These social events involve shaking people’s hands, exchanging conversation, and eating ample amounts of food. We’ll be among hundreds of people celebrating the holiday cheer, laughing about all that’s…

Blowing Nose

Germs Are Everywhere… Gross!

Have you ever felt like everyone around you is sick? While riding the bus to work today, I noticed the people standing in front of me were coughing and sneezing all over the place. I kept my head down trying to avoid their germs, but…

Flu Shot

Flu Shot Myths

It’s flu season! Catching the flu is common during the winter months, particularly for people who haven’t been vaccinated. Getting the flu shot or the nasal spray/vaccine is the most effective way of protecting yourself against the flu. Despite all of the efforts to increase…