Gearing Up for College

Preparing for CollegeMany high school juniors are under the impression that senior year is going to be stressful due to the workload and the college application process; but it doesn’t have to be.

If you’re planning to apply to college, here are things you’ll need to keep in mind:

  • Your GPA
  • Your SAT scores
  • Which colleges or universities have the programs you would like to pursue

Having good grades throughout high school is very important, because colleges see your final grades for all four years. However, if you didn’t do so well your freshman or sophomore year, and you work hard during your junior and senior year, your GPA will go up and colleges will take into consideration that you are putting in the effort to do better.

Most colleges also look at your SAT scores. Many schools and community organizations offer SAT prep courses, which help to prepare you for the real exam. You’ll learn test–taking strategies and take practice tests. The SAT exam lasts about 4 hours so it’s very important that you get a good night’s sleep the night before, and eat a healthy breakfast the morning of the test.

Since good grades or excelling at a sport don’t necessarily guarantee you a scholarship, you should find out about financial assistance as soon as possible. Most colleges and universities offer financial aid, so make sure that you complete the paperwork on time! Some of these forms may include the FAFSA, CSS profile, etc. If at any point you feel stressed because you don’t understand what you’re supposed to do, make an appointment with your guidance counselor. Don’t give up your dream of furthering your education. Remember, there are many resources available to you, you just have to look for them.
