Category Archives: Emotional Health

Operation Beautiful

Operation Beautiful

As we continue celebrating Eating Disorders Awareness Week, I’d like to share another really neat thing about the website Operation Beautiful. As I mentioned in my last blog entry, their goal is to end “fat talk”. How can one organization tackle such a difficult task?…

No More Fat Talk

Fat Talk

Have you ever heard a friend say to you, “I need to go on a diet” or ask “Do these jeans make my butt look big”? Maybe you’ve even said (or thought) things like this about yourself. If so, you’ve experienced “fat talk”. “Fat talk”…

Dating Violence

Dating Violence

Violence is a physical force resulting in injury, damage, or even death. Teens see it on TV, hear about it via Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking platforms. Some may witness violence on the street or in their homes, and still others experience violence in…

Abusive Relationship

Abusive Relationships

When people think about abuse in relationships, they often assume the abuse is physical. Although physical abuse is a form of abuse, it’s not the only type. There are other kinds of abuse as well: emotional/verbal, financial, and sexual abuse. Emotional abuse is when someone…

Depressed Teen

Get Educated About Mental Health

Aside from my mom, I don’t think I’ve knowingly talked to anyone who suffers from depression. However, last night one of my co-workers sort of had a mental break down and she talked to us about how she thinks she’s suffering from depression. She was…

Seventeen Magazine

Perfect Pictures

Have you ever looked in a magazine, or watched a commercial on television and said “WOW, I really wish I looked like that!” I know that the media portrays everyone as picture perfect, and you wish you were perfect too. But what is perfect anyway?…

Healthy Is The New Skinny

Modeling a Positive Body Image

My thermometer dial has been stubbornly stuck in the 90’s for a couple days now, which is proof enough for me that summer has started. It’s hot, hot, hot, and all around the layers are coming off, off, off. And we know what inevitably coincides…


Could You Be Depressed?

Some people confuse sadness with depression. Feeling sad from time to time is normal and doesn’t necessarily mean you’re depressed. It’s natural to feel sad after a breakup, or when someone close to you dies. It’s also perfectly normal to feel down in the dumps…

Teenage girl crying and cutting her hair

Beauty Standards

What do you think being beautiful really means? All answers to that question are correct, because there’s no right or wrong response. Despite what society tries to make us believe, there is no “ideal” beauty. There are no exact measurements, hair color, eye color, or…

Curvy Girl

Embrace Your Curves!

At the beginning of each year, tons of people make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight. They may say things such as “My hips are too big”, or “I want a flat stomach”, or “I need to work on my figure”, but why can’t they just embrace…