Category Archives: Fitness and Sports

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Coping With an Eating Disorder

What’s in your coping bank? Eating disorders (ED) are extremely challenging and exhausting, both physically and emotionally. Many people who suffer from eating disorders use certain behaviors (such as limiting how much they eat, binging, purging, over-exercising) as a way to dealing with difficult emotions…

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Eating Disorder Myths

I would be able to tell if I knew someone with an eating disorder, right? Maybe not. What do you think a person who has an eating disorder looks like? When I ask people this question, most people have an image of a thin teenage girl. She…

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2011

Today marks the start of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (February 20-26, 2011). This year’s theme “It’s Time to Talk about It”, emphasizes the need to talk about eating disorders. The hope is to increase awareness by talking about the seriousness of eating disorders, and…


Yoga: Getting Back to the Basics

I recently noticed that my life had become filled with countless “to-do” lists.  I was on “auto-pilot” – cruising along and working through tasks on my “to-do” list, without ever pausing to experience or appreciate my surroundings. It was clear to me that the change I needed…


Ouch! I hit my head! Do I have a concussion?

Not necessarily. A concussion is anything that leads to temporary loss of normal brain function, alertness, or awareness. Concussions usually happen while playing sports, but you can also get one a number of different ways. You can get a concussion simply by tripping and falling,…