Category Archives: Newsletter Articles


What’s Alcohol Got to Do With It?

Although many teens are aware of the legal drinking age and the consequences of consuming alcohol, most don’t seem to be a phased by television shows and movies that display scenes of underage drinking. In fact, if a show is about teens, drinking is almost…

extracurricular activities

Extracurricular Activities – How Much is Too Much?

When it comes to extracurricular activities such as sports, band, student government or clubs, it can be hard to know how many activities you can juggle. This is especially true if you have other commitments such as a part–time job or responsibilities at home such…


“I’m Gay”

Whether you’re a girl or a guy, homosexuality can be a controversial topic, and “coming out” can range from being easy to difficult. Some parents are accepting and others, not so much. Either way, your sexuality is a very intimate issue, so, who, when, and…

girl and dog

Making the Rest of your Summer Count!

Hopefully you’re enjoying your summer and have had time to de–stress, relax, and participate in a lot of fun activities! Have you thought about making your summer extra memorable? It’s not too late to make a difference by planning an event or an experience that…


How to Avoid the Side Effects of Summer

Schools out and you have at least two full months to relax before the school year begins again. What could possibly go wrong? Summer vacation is fun overall, but it does come with “side effects”. No worries, I have some solutions so your summer will…

Support System

Building A Support System

The media tends to portray mental health as something negative, which probably makes it harder for people to seek mental health services. Sometimes we just have a lot going on and can’t always handle all the pressure. Mental health is really about ways to manage…

Body Image

8 Easy Steps to Improve Your Body Image

Body image is a major factor in self–esteem; the way you think and feel about yourself as a person. When you have a healthy body image, you’ll have positive self–esteem too. Check out these 8 easy steps to improve your body image: Stop comparing yourself…


Ten Tips Towards Teamwork!

Teamwork is a very important ingredient on the field, on the court, or in the workplace. Here are 10 tips that will help you achieve positive results. Get to know your teammates. You’ll be together for the entire season. Know what your responsibilities are. Make…

Dealing with Stress

Dealing with Stress

Stress is a “feeling” that may be brought on by several factors including peer pressure, expectations from your teachers or coaches, and from your parents too. I recently had the opportunity to talk with Dr. Andrea Omidy. She is a psychology fellow with the Division…

Dating Violence

Dating Violence

Violence is a physical force resulting in injury, damage, or even death. Teens see it on TV, hear about it via Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking platforms. Some may witness violence on the street or in their homes, and still others experience violence in…