Glycemic Index and PCOS

If you have PCOS, you’ll likely come across the term Glycemic Index (GI) at some point. It’s a tough concept for most people to wrap their heads around, so I thought it would be a good topic for this month’s PCOS blog entry. The best…

Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries On the Rise

Have you been hearing a lot about sports-related injuries lately? The CDC reports that in the US, 7 million sports injuries occur in youth between the ages of 5-24 each year. I’ve witnessed and experienced multiple injuries while playing sports and know how they can affect you in the long…

Curvy Girl

Embrace Your Curves!

At the beginning of each year, tons of people make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight. They may say things such as “My hips are too big”, or “I want a flat stomach”, or “I need to work on my figure”, but why can’t they just embrace…


Going off to College Soon

I know it’s been a while since I wrote a blog entry, but things have been very hectic, especially with school. As the New Year begins and I approach graduation day, it’s harder and harder to grasp the fact that I will be a freshman…


Introducing Katie

Hi, my name is Katie. I’m the new college intern here at the Center for Young Women’s Health. I’m a senior majoring in psychology and will be working at the CYWH throughout the semester. My background in psychology has taught me a lot, but I…

Dominican Flag

A Family Divided Between Countries

Hey guys, I just got back from the Dominican Republic. I was there for a month and it didn’t seem like I was there long enough. I had an amazing vacation – spending time with family and friends, going out, etc. Having my family divided…


Introducing Alexa

Hi! My name’s Alexa and I’m one of the new youth advisors at the Center for Youth Women’s Health (CYWH). I’m sixteen and a sophomore at Boston Latin Academy. I am super friendly, hardworking, and creative. Like most teenage girls I like to spend time…


Introducing Christina

Hello, my name is Christina, and I’m the one of the newest peer leaders here at the Center for Young’s Women’s Heath, Children’s Hospital Boston. I just recently turned seventeen years old, and I’m a junior at Boston Latin Academy. Even though I care a…

Teen In Handcuffs

Taking Responsibility for Youth Arrests

Last week Dr. Claire McCarthy, MD, wrote a thought provoking blog regarding the increasing number of teens who are arrested before reaching the age of 23. Dr. McCarthy’s blog was in response to a study presented in Pediatrics (the medical journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics),…


PCOS Style New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year! Did you make a new year’s resolution this year? I’ve always had mixed feelings about New Year’s resolutions. I think it’s great when people set goals (especially when it comes to health), but the resolutions some people make are so unrealistic. I mean, why resolve…