Tag Archives: High School

Surviving High School

High school is a tough place for sure. I’ve been through it all and I can tell you that you will definitely need some words of wisdom to always keep in mind before moving onto this next chapter in your life. So here you go:…

Senioritis: It’s a Slippery Slope

As senior year dwindles down, senioritis creeps onto all of us. This epidemic sweeps the nation annually. If you are a senior and have not been infected yet, you are doing a great job! Keep up the great work. On the other hand, if you…

Facebook Related Mood Decline

Keep Calm and Conquer Your Mid-Term Exams

With a new semester starting, and mid-term exams to study for, it can be a very stressful time of year. It’s easy to fall into an anxious mindset, but it doesn’t have to be all bad. A little anxiety can help motivate you to study…

Dealing With Academic Pressure

Academic pressure is something that we all deal with. Ever since I was 14, I have known that I wanted to go to a good college and become a doctor. Sometimes the pressure to succeed seems overwhelming. Many teens feel the same pressure. Getting into…


Going off to College Soon

I know it’s been a while since I wrote a blog entry, but things have been very hectic, especially with school. As the New Year begins and I approach graduation day, it’s harder and harder to grasp the fact that I will be a freshman…

Carrying Books

AP Classes

Hey guys, are any of you HS juniors that are nervous about taking Advance Placement (“AP”) classes in high school? If you are, it’s totally fine because it just so happens that I’m in the process of preparing to take AP classes during my senior year…

Personal Responsibility In Delivering Excellence

Making School a Priority

Being a teen isn’t easy. Balancing school, friends, a social life, and maintaining a good relationship with your family can get hectic. Trust me, I know. High school can be one of the most dramatic chapters of someone’s life. It’s really tough balancing all of…


Back to School Advice

As we all know, summer is beginning to come to a close and the 2009-2010 school year is approaching. My senior year is coming up this fall, and I definitely want to make it the best year yet. However, regardless of whether its your freshman,…



As high school students (especially as seniors) we look forward to our graduation day. We are tired of waking up early EVERY morning and basically tired of the same routine – same school, same classes, same people; it gets boring after awhile. We all can’t…