Tag Archives: PCOS


Potluck Friendly PCOS Meals

As the winter chill sets in, many people may notice that it becomes harder and harder to be motivated to get out and socialize. While staying in can be relaxing every once in a while, being social and making the most of the winter is…


Finding the Right Balance in 2016

Many people associate the New Year with resolutions. Some choose to “give up” things, while others resolve to “change” some aspect of their life.  While reassessing yourself is definitely worthwhile, making a commitment to make an extreme change may not be realistic. Instead of focusing…


Hunger and Fullness with PCOS

Have you ever stopped to think about how your body tells you that you need to eat or that you have had enough and should stop eating? It might sound like a funny concept, but some people report feeling very “in tune” with their body’s…


Athletes with PCOS

As the school year begins again, many teenagers are getting back into sports after summer break. Sports teams or clubs can be a great way to make friends and stay healthy. For girls with PCOS, sports teams can also be a good way to maintain…


You’ve Got This!

Earlier this month, fans of the US Women’s Soccer watched with anticipation as their team beat Japan, bringing home the World Cup.  It was absolutely thrilling to watch.  The team comradery was and is striking. To say that the team’s success is based solely on…


PCOS and Gluten-Free Diets

You might hear a lot of your friends, or even family members talking about gluten-free diets. Perhaps you have even heard that a gluten-free diet is beneficial for women with PCOS. It’s no surprise that you have heard so much chatter about gluten-free diets because…


Eat Your Veggies!

As a dietitian, I am often suggesting to teens that they eat more veggies. Vegetables are packed full of important nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, and they also have fiber, which is helpful for digestive health and to keep us feeling full longer. Feeling…


Looking Within

As a young woman diagnosed with PCOS, you’ve probably been counseled about the importance of following a low glycemic diet and exercising more to help manage your symptoms.  However, hearing the word “diet” can cause a fierce knee-jerk reaction which is then likely followed by…


What’s in season?

Friday, March 20th marked the first day of spring so despite the remaining snow on the ground and cool breeze in some parts of the country, spring is officially here. This means we can look forward to all the flavorful fruits and vegetables that are…


Could I have PCOS?

Perhaps you know someone in your family who has polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and now you’re wondering if you have it too. PCOS does run in families but that alone doesn’t mean you’ll have it. The symptoms can vary from person to person but most…