Building A Support System

Support SystemThe media tends to portray mental health as something negative, which probably makes it harder for people to seek mental health services. Sometimes we just have a lot going on and can’t always handle all the pressure. Mental health is really about ways to manage our emotional well–being. It’s important to feel like we don’t have to do it all alone instead of feeling shameful for seeking help.

Have you ever been through a rough time and were happy that you had someone by your side to help you get through it? Regardless of who your “go to person” is, it’s important to have a support system. Knowing that you have people who are there for you and are willing to help you find ways to cope, usually makes any situation easier. Nobody likes to feel alone and when you have a support system you typically don’t have to worry about that. Feeling alone from time to time is normal (and we’ve all felt that way at some point in our lives), but when you have people you can trust and people that support you, that feeling doesn’t last very long. Having a support system actually enhances your self–esteem because when you’re surrounded by people who care about you, it positively influences how you feel about yourself, and boosts your confidence.

Figuring out who should be in your support system doesn’t have to be complicated. Parents are a great source of support because they’re invested in your future and will likely be willing to help you get through the rough patches. I understand that it may be hard to talk to your parents about certain topics (and you may not have to or want to right away), but just knowing that they’ll be there when you need them can make you feel better. Most importantly, your support system needs to be composed of people you trust and who care about you. People with negative mind sets aren’t a good source of support, and people who don’t think very highly of you won’t look out for your best interests. A person who has positive feelings towards you will believe that you’re capable of overcoming any obstacle. That feeling will likely transmit to you, and then you’ll believe you’re capable as well.

Support systems are similar to a guide who helps you find the light at the end of the tunnel. It may sound cheesy, but that’s really what it’s like. Your support system helps to guide you through the dark times until you’re able to “see the light” or have clarity about a particular situation that’s bringing you down. It should be reassuring to know that the people in your support system should be available to help you through the difficult times in your life. Check out our website for more information about emotional health.
