Category Archives: Emotional Health

Front Row Seats for Thin Girls Only?

Did you hear about what happened with the American Idol fan? Recently I read about 19-year-old Ashley Kauffman who bought tickets (along with some of her friends) to see a taping of American Idol. Ashley and her friends were excited because they arrived at the American Idol set…



I have many people in my life that motivate and support me. I’d be ungrateful if I said I didn’t. However, I find that I’m my biggest inspiration. The desire to accomplish my goals… the need to prove to myself that I can do it……

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Coping With an Eating Disorder

What’s in your coping bank? Eating disorders (ED) are extremely challenging and exhausting, both physically and emotionally. Many people who suffer from eating disorders use certain behaviors (such as limiting how much they eat, binging, purging, over-exercising) as a way to dealing with difficult emotions…

“Rating” Girls Online – Get a Life!

I feel like some college students have so much extra time on their hands, and I don’t understand why. I mean, I consider myself to be a really busy young woman that needs to find time for everything from classes and homework, my job, to…


Cyber Bullying & Form Spring

Cyber bullying has received a lot of media attention lately. In fact, some girls have become so distraught over online taunting and teasing that they’ve committed suicide. In most of these cases the girls didn’t provoke the bullying. They were bullied by others who knew…

Love Your Body

Valentine’s Day: Love Your Body!

It’s February 1st, and Valentine’s Day is just two weeks away. This morning I received an e-mail that had a really awesome pdf attached, titled “20 Ways to Love Your Body” (compiled by Margo Maine, Ph.D. and distributed by the National Eating Disorders Association) that…

Ban Bullying

Ban Bullying

In the recent case of the South Hadley teen who allegedly was tormented by mean girls at her school, bullying had grave consequences. According to media reports, this 15 year old girl was the target of not one, but many girls who apparently made it…


Precious Self-Esteem

Last week, I went to see the movie “Precious” with two of my friends, primarily because one of my friends really wanted to see it after reading the book. My friends summary of the book sparked our interest, so we all decided to go see it…