What’s the Deal with Added Sugar?

There’s been a lot of talk about added sugar recently, because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is talking about putting “added sugar” on the nutrition label. If you are someone who reads the nutrition label on the foods you eat, you know that sugar…

Living With HIV

Living with HIV: Disclosure

HIV affects thousands of teens and young adults. Between 2006 and 2009, 29,740 teens and young adults between the ages of 13-24 were diagnosed with HIV. In 2009, the young adults between the ages of 20-24 accounted for the highest rate of new HIV diagnoses. Even though…



I recently received news that my cousin (who lives in Puerto Rico) is ill again. The news made me think about a lot of things and gave me some perspective of what it means to be healthy. My cousin has had a hard life. At…


How to Deal with a Breakup

Relationships between couples are complex because they involve two people, and two sets of feelings, interests, beliefs, family values, and ideals. Couples don’t always share the same interests or the same ideals, even if they do share the same feelings. As relationships progress, differences may…


Unlocking the Secret Code to Success

My fellow peers, we’ve made it! Graduations never really felt like a big thing until this moment. We’ve completed high school and now we are about to take the next big step. It’s the beginning of responsibility, freedom, choices, and bliss. As a graduating class…


When A Friend Is Diagnosed with PCOS

You’ve recently learned your friend has PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and you’re wondering how you can be supportive. Knowing what PCOS is as well as having an understanding of the symptoms can help you to be an awesome friend. PCOS is more common than you…

Living With HIV

Living with HIV: Stigma

HIV affects thousands of teens and young adults. Between 2006 and 2009, 29,740 teens and young adults between the ages of 13-24 were diagnosed with HIV. In 2009, the young adults between the ages of 20-24 accounted for the highest rate of new HIV diagnoses. Even though…

Seventeen Magazine

Perfect Pictures

Have you ever looked in a magazine, or watched a commercial on television and said “WOW, I really wish I looked like that!” I know that the media portrays everyone as picture perfect, and you wish you were perfect too. But what is perfect anyway?…