Tag Archives: Driving

100 Deadliest Days

Memorial Day kicked off the beginning of summer; however, with it came what the AAA (American Automobile Association) calls the 100 deadliest days for teen drivers. The days between Memorial Day and Labor Day are some of the most dangerous times to be on the…


Learning to Drive

As the end of my senior year is approaching, there are a few goals I have in mind, and getting my driving license is my top priority. A lot of my classmates at school got their license at the beginning of junior year (last year),…

Road Rage

Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right… Turn

This morning, while I was getting a ride to work, we got caught in traffic. You know how they say that Boston people have the worst road rage, right? Well… we were sitting at the same light for a good ten minutes. There was so…

Car Safety

Cell Phones & Driving: New Laws in MA, Beware!

In Massachussetts, new laws regarding cell phone use while driving will become effective on Thursday, September 30th, 2010. The Safe Driving Law bans all JUNIOR drivers (drivers under 18 years old) from using their cell phones while driving; for any reason, even with a headset or…

Road Rage

Residents of Boston have to deal with road rage on a daily basis. Drivers are always angry and feel the need to swear at people, especially around busy areas such as college campuses and hospitals. I experienced this firsthand today while I was walking to…

Losing a Friend

I never thought that the death of a friend was going to hurt so much. When I found out, I felt so helpless because there was nothing I could do. There was nothing ANYONE could do to bring my friend back to life. My friends…