Embracing the Body You Have

Most of us say there’s something about our body we’d like to change. It isn’t always easy to accept ourselves and be confident with who we are and how we look. It is easy to create unrealistic expectations for the way you look based on…

Introducing Jillian!

Hello! My name is Jillian, and I am very happy to announce that I will be blogging for the Center for Young Women’s Health. I attend school at Bridgewater State University, where I major in Health Studies with a concentration in Community Health. In two…


PCOS: Check Out Our Chat

We at the Center for Young Women’s Health are passionate about helping young women with PCOS. In fact, many years ago we were the first Children’s Hospital ever to offer a special forum where young women diagnosed with PCOS could chat with their peers–other teens…

Excuse me…Do you have any allergies?

If you have been to a doctor’s office lately, I’m sure that at least one person you came in contact with asked if you had any allergies. If you’ve ever had a severe reaction to something you ate, drank, touched, breathed in or received as…


Cool Off with a Healthy Frozen Treat

The summer months are a great time to be outside, spend time with friends and enjoy more free time than you may have during the school year. Between sunscreen and bathing suits, there is often opportunity for frozen treats such as ice cream and popsicles….

Is Social Media Controlling Your Life?

In the past year, I’ve made more social media accounts than I have in my whole life: Tumblr, Instagram, YouTube, and this summer, I’m considering making one for Snapchat. This list doesn’t even include texting and all of the games I’ve downloaded to my phone….