
Chillin’ Out at the Beach, Part 1

With summer’s sweet arrival comes a new, vast array of entertainment options. When all your schoolwork comes to a glorious halt, one ultimate relaxation destination will trump all the others: the beach. Beautifully sunny, sandy, and soothing, there’s no better summer spot whether you have…


A PCOS-Friendly Summer

Happy summer from the Center for Young Women’s Health! For most people, summer means a break from over-scheduled days and more free time for graduation parties, barbeques, and hanging out with friends. Summer can make some parts of managing PCOS a little easier, but can other…


College Safety

I’m sure that most of the high school graduates of 2010 who are planning on attending college in the fall are eager to get there. That’s how I felt last summer. I was excited to graduate from high school and even more excited to go…

prom photo

Prom Night Safety Tips

The days leading up to the prom are usually filled with anticipation and excitement. There’s the shopping for the perfect dress, shoes, and accessories, and getting hair and nails done. There are also other important details, such as figuring out how to get to and from the…

Centro para la Salud de las Mujeres Jovenes

¡Hola desde el Centro de Salud para Mujeres Jóvenes!

Hola, como estan? Mi nombre es Erica. Tengo diecinueves años, y trabajo para una organización llamada el Centro de Salud para Mujeres Jovenes. El proposito de nuestra organización es orientar y ayudar a los jovenes de como cuidar de su salud. Sabemos que no hay…

Dorm Room Decisions

Hey it’s Emily! Congratulations to all the newly graduated high school seniors! Despite it being hard and stressful at times, we made it to the finish line! Now we can begin our next journey. For some of us this includes college. In the next couple…


Summer Break: Boston Style

For some students, summer vacation is already here, and it’s just around the corner for others. Unlike winter or spring break, summer break is really long. This gives us time to do a lot of things. Watching TV, playing video games, or social networking on the…

Girls Talking

Talking about Relationships

When you’re in a relationship, it’s normal to have arguments and get mad at each other, but how do you know when things are out of hand? I’m not talking about abusive relationships. I’m talking about everyday communication issues between couples. When teens face problems…