Category Archives: Emotional Health

Taking Stress Off Your Plate

Have you ever felt so stressed that you just wanted some time for yourself to relax? Have you ever put so much on your plate that you didn’t know whether to go to sleep or stay awake and deal with all of your responsibilities? These…

Meditation…It’s more than just “ommm”

Meditation – time spent in quiet thought – has been practiced for thousands of years and is one way to practice mindfulness. Most people think of meditation as a person sitting cross-legged, saying ‘ommm’. But there are actually many types of meditation. Even yoga or…

The Present of Presence

I have recently been introduced to a new concept: mindfulness. Mindfulness is supposed to help you deal with stress by making you focus on the present. Mindfulness is also supposed to help you relax by focusing more on your body and breathing. I am trying…

Love is Love is Love

I broke up with my first ever boyfriend on Valentine’s Day my freshman year of college after he refused to see me perform in The Vagina Monologues. He claimed he was uncomfortable hearing me speaking the “V” word publically. I was “peeved” (as my mother…

Don’t Wait, Communicate

“Family is not an important thing, it is everything.” I believe that this statement perfectly describes the proper way to interact with your family. Family members are like lifelong best friends. Maintaining a strong communication with them can ultimately lead to having positive memories in…

True to Your Heart

Applying to colleges is already stressful enough, so when you add the stress from family, friends, and teachers you can become very overwhelmed. Everyone has a different opinion on how you should edit your college essay, or on the timing to apply to a certain…

Embracing the Body You Have

Most of us say there’s something about our body we’d like to change. It isn’t always easy to accept ourselves and be confident with who we are and how we look. It is easy to create unrealistic expectations for the way you look based on…