For Colored Girls – The Movie

When I first heard about this movie I thought it would be just another movie by Tyler Perry, I was proven wrong. This movie was about the struggles that all black women face at some point in their lives. Tyler Perry really focuses on how…

Give Back: You May Live Longer!

I’ve been volunteering my time for as long as I can remember. I do it for a number of reasons; first and foremost, because I enjoy it. I like to give back to those who are less fortunate. Often times, I feel like there is…


The PCOS Exam: What To Expect

For those of you who might be wondering if you have polycystic ovary syndrome, I’d like to demystify the PCOS medical evaluation. If you’ve taken our online PCOS quiz and got the message, “It is possible that you could have PCOS. You should make and…

Four Loko

Four Loko

By now, many of you have probably heard the buzz about the caffeinated alcoholic drink called Four Loko. Four Loko is made with guarana, taurine, caffeine, and alcohol. It sells for less than three dollars a can. There‘s been a lot of press about this drink…

North Quincy High School and Children's Hospital Boston

North Quincy HS Fundraiser for CHB

Hey again! How’s everyone doing? I have some big news to share! My high school (North Quincy) will be holding a fundraiser on November 4th, 2010. All of the proceeds will be donated to Children’s Hospital Boston, more specifically the activity rooms. The activity rooms…

Rainbow Flag

Wearing Purple

A couple of days ago I received a Facebook event invitation to wear purple on October 20, 2010, in memory of the six recent suicides linked to gay abuse. As some of you may know, purple represents the spirit on the LGBTQ flag, hence the…

Spirit Day

Purple! Purple! Everywhere!

I know you must have seen some of your classmates wearing the color purple yesterday and wondered why. October 20th, 2010 was “Spirit Day”, a day to remember six young men who took their lives because they were reportedly bullied for being gay. The organization…


Ouch! I hit my head! Do I have a concussion?

Not necessarily. A concussion is anything that leads to temporary loss of normal brain function, alertness, or awareness. Concussions usually happen while playing sports, but you can also get one a number of different ways. You can get a concussion simply by tripping and falling,…