Guy and Dog

Of Mice (or Dogs) and Men

Did you know that over 60% of all households in the United States have a pet? Pets are hugely important to us, and we spend billions of dollars a year on grooming, food, and health care for our furry little friends. Pets are a big…


Long Distance Relationships

Have you ever tried having a long distance relationship? Often when the words “long distance”are added to “relationship”, your thoughts probably turn to people dating someone in another city, state, or even in another country. However, that‘s not always the case. Being in a long…


PCOS and Depression

Getting a diagnosis of PCOS can be a big relief, as you finally have a name for what’s been going on with your body. Knowing the cause of the physical problems you have and understanding that treatment is available can feel like a load has been lifted…

Last Call App

“Last Call”

Do you know about the iPhone app “Last Call”? It’s meant to warn people when they should stop drinking if they’re planning on driving. The way it works is as follows: you’re supposed to track your drinks on the app, and as you add the drinks, the…

Teen with Health Care Provider

Managing Your Own Health Care

Dr. Kitty O’Hare recently wrote a post about setting the stage for medical independence on the Children’s Hospital Boston’s blog “Thrive”. In the entry she writes about how she often sees 15 year olds coming into a health care provider’s office with their parent, and…

Facebook Logo

The Latest Facebook Virus

Have you noticed the latest disturbing spam on Facebook? I have. Nude photos have been popping up on people’s Facebook pages. Apparently it’s some sort of virus, but it’s pretty outrageous that pornographic photos can end up on your newsfeed like this.

Alcohol and Brain

Alcohol On the Brain

To be completely honest, when I was younger I never understood why the legal drinking age in the US is 21. I always thought of age as a random line in the sand, and that it really didn’t mean much. No one ever “suddenly” feels mature…

Cave Art

The Paleo Diet

When you hear the word caveman, what comes to mind? Did you think healthy eater? If so, you’re not alone. These days, the caveman diet, known as the Paleo (short for Paleolithic) diet, has taken on a whole new meaning for the health conscious. Supporters…


Whether we like it or not, people will have expectations of us for our entire lives. As children we don’t pay attention to these expectations, and for the most part we don’t care if we meet any of them or not. As a teen or…

New Girl on Fox

Gumbo Pot, Bing Bong, and Chickadees

Does anyone out there watch “New Girl” on Fox? Last weeks episode “Naked” had the characters spouting some of the funniest euphemisms for male and female genitalia I’ve ever heard. (If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly suggest watching.) Aside from the fact that…