Clouds and Sun

Boston Weather Woes

Hey guys, is it just me or does it still feel like winter outside? Spring officially started over a week ago, but here in Boston, it still feels cold. I’m sure everyone up north is sick of the cold and is anxiously waiting for the temperature…

Meningitis Vaccine

Bacterial Meningitis – It’s Serious

A 21 year old student at Franklin Pierce University died last Tuesday night of bacterial meningitis. Meningitis is the swelling of the brain and spinal cord membranes. It can be caused by both a virus and a bacterium. The cause of the disease and what…

Tooth Whitening

Tooth Whitening – An Obsession?

A friend of mine recently had their teeth whitened by their dentist, and despite sensitivity, discomfort, and possible damage to tooth enamel, it seems like many people are having this procedure done. Maybe it’s an effort to mimic the unearthly white teeth that celebrities have, or…

Dealing With Your Mom's Boyfriend

Dealing With Your Mom’s Boyfriend

Has your mom ever dated a guy that you despised, or who made you wonder why she was even attracted to him in the first place? Well my mom has. Recently I’ve been thinking about this particular subject, and I think it’s true that a lot of…

Old Faithful

If you sprinkle when you tinkle…

We all know no one likes using public toilets. We’d rather use our own bathrooms in the comfort of our own homes for various reasons – cleanliness, peace of mind, etc. However, despite the fact that public toilets see tons more traffic than personal ones, it doesn’t mean they have to…

National Nutrition Month 2011

Finishing the Food Rainbow with Blue and Purple

This year’s National Nutrition Month theme “Eat Right with Color” gave us tastes of the rainbow. In our final week of National Nutrition Month, we’ll continue to celebrate delicious foods filled with color by highlighting the health benefits of blue and purple foods. Blue foods and purple…

La familia de Erica

Familia: Cerca y lejos

Recientemente, Kayla escribio sobre lo dificil que es mudarte de tu pais de origen para adaptarte a otro pais. Yo pense que seria interesante dar el punto de vista opuesto; haber nacido en este pais pero tener a la mayoria de tu familia en otro….

La familia de Erica

Family: Near and Far

Kayla recently wrote a blog about how hard it is to leave your native country and to adapt to a different environment. I thought it would be interesting to give the opposite perspective; being born in this country, but having most of your family in…

Japanese Flag Poster

Understanding the Disaster In Japan

As I’m sure you all know, a massive earthquake hit the northeast coast of Japan earlier this month. The tsunami it unleashed on the rest of Japan and neighboring coasts made things even worse. The combination lead to the disaster we are still continuing to…